

How to spot reduce fat with SculpSure!

Body Contouring Cynosure

How to spot reduce fat with SculpSure!

Almost all of us have areas of our body that we wish we could change. After all, some stubborn pockets of fat just will not budge, regardless of diet and exercise.

Perhaps you wish your waist were slimmer, or maybe you would like to lose weight in your thighs? You may think that you can reduce the fat in that specific area of the body by only exercising that one area, however this is one of the biggest myths in the health and fitness world.

What is spot reduction and why is this a myth?

Spot reduction is promoted as a way to reduce fat quickly in those problem areas. The theory is that certain exercises can be used to specifically target fat in a certain part of the body. For example, someone trying to lose weight from their stomach may focus on exercises that work the abdomen, such as sit-ups, planks, and crunches, believing that it will result in fat loss from the midsection. This is a popular theory, leading many people to focus only on those problem areas, as opposed to exercising the entire body.

While this method of fat burning may be appealing to you if you have had a hard time losing weight in the past, there is little scientific evidence to support it.

Of course, exercise can help you lose weight, but how does this work? When we consume an excess of calories, they are stored as subcutaneous fat by the body. When we take in fewer calories than we burn, that stored fat is metabolised into energy for the muscles, leading to fat loss.

Despite the theory of spot reduction, when a muscle draws upon our fat stored for energy during exercise, that fat is drawn from the entire body. Basically, that means that while working a specific area may be great for strengthening those muscles, it will never lead to any localised fat loss.

Unfortunately, there is no form of exercise than can overcome such biological tendencies. However, it is possible to spot reduce fat with aesthetic and medical treatments, such as SculpSure.

What is SculpSure?

Rather than wasting your time on unhealthy diets and ineffective exercise plans, you can start working towards your dream body with SculpSure. SculpSure is a non-invasive body contouring treatment designed to target and eliminate stubborn fat cells in those areas resistant to diet and exercise, including the thighs, flanks, chin, back, hips and abdomen.

SculpSure is intended for those who maintain a healthy lifestyle, however, experience stubborn fat in those treatable areas. Allowing you to overcome your securities and take control of your body again, SculpSure eliminates the need for harsh and invasive procedures that oftentimes require long recovery periods.

Spot reduce fat the proven way.

SculpSure harnesses targeted laser energy to gently heat the fat cells under the skin’s surface, damaging the cell’s structure and encouraging the body to naturally remove that unwanted excess fat.

This excess fat is removed through the lymphatic system, which means that the results given by SculpSure are permanent and can be easily maintained provided that you continue eating healthy and exercising regularly.

Many patients need between only one and three treatments* to discover impressive and confidence-boosting results. These results are often seen as early as six weeks following treatment, with optimal results usually seen 12 weeks after your final treatment.

SculpSure treatments can be as short as 25 minutes and can destroy up to 24% of fat cells* in the treated area. With no downtime and little to no discomfort, SculpSure treatments are a no brainer.

Begin your journey towards the body of your dreams today. Contact us to find more information and your closest SculpSure clinic.


*Treatments vary patient to patient.

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