

How To Prevent Sun Damage to Your Complexion This Summer

Cynosure Skin Revitalization


At the peak of summer, our local beaches and parks are filled with people wanting to enjoy the beautiful Australian sunny weather. However, it is important to remember to be smart this summer and take the necessary steps to protect your skin and prevent any sun damage to your complexion throughout the warmer months.

Regularly Apply Sunscreen

A common misconception with the use of sunscreen is that it only needs to be applied when you’re spending the day in the sun. However, one of the best things you can do to prevent sun damage is to wear sunscreen daily – even when spending time indoors. The easiest way to remember to apply sunscreen is to make it a part of your morning routine, applying it all over your skin but paying particular attention to your face. This avoids the chance of being caught off guard by an unexpected time in the direct sun. When choosing a sunscreen, it is important to consider its SPF levels – the higher the better, avoid using aerosol sunscreens as it is harder to control how much you apply and also being aware of reapplying throughout the day, especially when spending time in the water.

Wear Clothing That Protects Your Skin

Not all clothing is completely sun resistant. While tightly woven fabric and darker colours make clothing more likely to protect you for longer, they are not always a failsafe option. You can take further measures to improve your coverage by ensuring that you are always wearing a hat with a wide brim and wearing lightweight clothing where the sun is most likely to hit your skin, for example the tops of your shoulders, back of your arms and the backs of your legs.

Time of Day

Be aware of the time of day. UV rays, which are responsible for sun burn and other damaging effects, are the strongest in the middle of the day, from approximately 10am to 3pm. If you can’t avoid this time of day look for shady areas and ensure you are regularly applying sunscreen and wearing protective clothing.

However, despite taking these protective measures sometimes sun damage that results in pigmentation is unavoidable. The safest, most effective method for targeting skin pigmentation is regular PicoSure skin revitalisation laser treatments. FDA cleared and TGA listed, PicoSure treatments harness revolutionary picosecond technology to deliver short pulses to the skin that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin to promote cell turnover and skin renewal that naturally clears the appearance of unwanted dark spots.

To begin your pigmentation removal treatments, find your local PicoSure clinic today.

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