

The Beginners Guide to Laser Hair Removal

Hair Removal

With the warmer weather upon us you may find yourself seeking various methods of hair removal. However, many of these options, such as shaving or waxing can be time consuming, painful, irritate your skin, can become costly in the long run and most importantly, are only a short-term solution. The more effective option to consider for permanent and fuss-free hair removal is laser treatments. 

Laser hair removal provides fast and effective long-term results for the removal of unwanted hair across multiple areas of the entire body. Our Elite+ technology utilises laser beam energy that passes through the skin, targeting individual hair follicles. The intense heat of the laser damages the hair follicle to prevent future growth without damaging any of the surrounding skin tissue.

Once you have made the decision to commence laser hair removal treatments, it is important that you do not pluck, wax or remove body hair from the root for up the six weeks prior your first session. This is because the laser targets and destroys the hair follicle so it must be present for the treatment to work effectively. In the days leading up to your treatment it is perfectly fine to shave or use hair removal creams as this leaves the root of the hair intact – in fact, shaving the area that is being treated on the day of your session is highly recommended.

The entire process is safe and relatively painless, having been described as a ‘snap’ sensation when the laser comes into contact with the skin. Depending on the size of the area, it is also a quick process, ranging from a few minutes to 30 minutes for larger areas, for example the legs and back.

The treatment requires minimal downtime or side effects. Typically, most people will experience a mild, sun-burn-like sensation and redness that usually lasts 2 to 24 hours. However, you are able continue with regular day-to-day activity immediately after your treatment.

While results can be seen after one treatment, permanent hair removal will require more than one treatment as hair growth occurs at different times and a single treatment can only target hair in active phases of growth. For the most effective and long-lasting results, several treatments are needed.

To get started on your journey to smooth, hair-free skin locate your nearest Elite+ clinic on our website.

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