Hyperhidrosis – Excessive Sweating

Say goodbye to embarrassing underarm stains and excessive sweating with our laser treatment technology.

Don’t sweat it

Hyperhidrosis, also known as excessive sweating, affects millions of people around the world. This common concern is not only frustrating but it can be embarrassing too. Hyperhidrosis is characterised by clammy palms, soles and underarms. If you avoid shaking hands, frequently change your clothing due to underarm sweat or have started avoiding social situations, you might want to seek assistance.

In order to effectively treat hyperhidrosis, the sweat glands need to be targeted, something that can’t be achieved with supplements or topical treatments.

Cynosure’s PrecisionTx laser energy ablates and coagulates soft tissue, including axillary glands under the skin to effectively treat hyperhidrosis. With just one treatment and little to no downtime, you’ll never have to worry about sweating the small stuff. *

The key benefits of the PrecisionTx system, include:

  • Single treatment
  • More permanency than injectable neurotoxins
  • Effective, long-lasting treatment
  • Minimal downtime

* Caplin, D. Clinical evaluation and quantitative analysis of axillary Hyperhidrosis treated with a unique targeted laser energy delivery method with 1 year follow up. ASLMS 2013 Poster, 15 patient study. Data on file.

One treatment. Long-term results.

A PrecisionTx treatment involves the use of a very small cannula, which needs to be inserted under the skin. Within the cannula is a SideLaze fibre which directs laser energy and heat towards the sweat glands and hair follicles. The heat from the laser ablates the function of the sweat glands, resulting in reduced sweating.

The incision sites are very small and are hidden under the arms, so scarring is not a cause for concern. The average treatment won’t take longer than an hour but additional time will be required to numb the area. All-in-all, patients should aim to set two hours aside for this procedure.

Not only is this treatment minimally invasive but only one session is required to achieve lasting results. Since the sweat glands are disabled, the results are permanent. Little to no downtime is required either and patients can return to work the next day if need be.

Hyperhidrosis Treatment FAQs

How do I know if a PrecisionTx treatment for hyperhidrosis is right for me?

The best candidates are women and men who experience bothersome sweating that’s not necessarily related to temperature fluctuations. Your PrecisionTx provider can tell you whether these treatments are right for you based on your medical history and lifestyle. These aspects will be evaluated during your consultation.

What does it feel like?

Because the area is anesthetised, minimal discomfort is experienced during the procedure. You may feel some light pressure during your session but it is a mild sensation. Following treatment, you may experience some aches in the treatment area, much like after a physical workout. It’s very rare that pain medication will be required following a PrecisionTx treatment.

What’s the recovery like after a hyperhidrosis session?

The treatment is minimally invasive and only requires a local anaesthesia. You will be awake throughout the entire treatment but you won’t experience any pain. Some light bruising can occur, but you’ll be able to return to normal activities in a short period of time. With this being said, most patients choose to take a day off work since there will also be some swelling and mild tenderness. The results of this treatment are permanent and patients can expect to feel more comfortable and confident about a week after their treatment.

What is causing me to sweat excessively?

There are several reasons why people tend to sweat unnecessarily. Underlying medical conditions such as diabetes and thyroid concerns can both cause excessive sweating. Certain medications, including those used for depression, can also have this effect. Pregnancy and genetics are also linked to excessive sweating. The good news is that these causes can all be addressed and the effects can be treated too.

Can this treatment be combined with other procedures?

Developed by Cynosure, the PrecisionTx system is also used to rejuvenate and tighten the lower face and neck. The heat that’s stimulated by the laser increases collagen production, leading to thicker skin and tissue retraction. The result is a firmer, more youthful profile. Whether or not you should aim to achieve two different goals during one session should be discussed with your provider.