

Why The Best Time For Laser Hair Removal Is Now

Cynosure Hair Removal


With cooler weather on the way, summer may be starting to feel like a thing of the past. However, now is the perfect time to start preparing your skin for next year and to consider how you’re going to achieve a smooth and hair free body. It’s finally time to say goodbye to your razor or waxing strips for good!

Less Sun Exposure

To achieve the best and safest results, it is incredibly important to ensure that your skin has not been excessively exposed to the sun four weeks prior to commencing treatments. This is because due to the melanin in your skin, laser hair removal works best and is safest on skin that has not been exposed to the sun or tanned.

Tanned skin will usually have higher levels of melanin or colouring present, and as the laser will work by targeting dark pigments such as hair follicles, the more colour in the skin, the more the laser energy is likely to target the skin, rather than unwanted hair. Typically throughout the cooler months, our skin is not as exposed to the sun and therefore less likely to be tanned which could impact the results of the treatments.

Reducing sun exposure is also beneficial post-treatment as your skin will be more sensitive and will need sufficient time to fully heal. Spending time in the sun after a treatment increases risk of injury to the skin, so sunbathing, which is typically done throughout summer, should be avoided as much as possible. Be sure to also apply plenty of broad spectrum SPF to keep your skin protected all year round.

Timing and Greater Results

For the most effective results, several laser hair removal sessions four to six weeks apart is usually recommended. Whilst results can be seen typically after two or three treatments, additional sessions are needed to ensure that all hair follicles at all stages of growth have been successfully targeted and destroyed. Therefore, by commencing your laser hair removal treatments during the cooler months, you can ensure that your hair is silky and hair-free by the time summer rolls around.

If you are ready to begin your journey to removing unwanted hair, our Elite+ laser hair removal technology is safe, effective and relatively painless, with minimal downtime required. The treatment works by utilising laser beam energy that passes through the skin and targets individual hair follicles. The intense heat of laser damages the hair follicle to prevent future growth without damaging any of the surrounding tissue.

To get started on your dream summer skin, visit our website to find your closest clinic.

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