

The Secret To Maintaining Your Skin’s Youthful Glow

Cynosure Skin Revitalization


Calling all skincare fanatics! Are you looking for a way to take your skincare routine to the next level for a smoother, more flawless complexion?

For those seeking that elusive glow, light based technologies offer an array of highly impressive skincare benefits across several common skincare concerns, including wrinkles, fine lines, acne scarring, pigmentation and more. Reaching beyond the surface of the skin, light based technologies can achieve more extensive results than topical skincare alone.

Don’t let 2018 become yet another year of dull skin – try these revolutionary treatments for a healthy, glowing complexion this New Year.

Soften Wrinkles With Emerge

Starting in your mid 20’s your skin’s production of collagen, the building blocks of skin, begins to reduce by approximately 1% per year. This combined with lifestyle factors such as stress and pollution, can result in the emergence of wrinkles and fine lines as we get older.

Utilising light-based energy, the Emerge laser delivers pulses of light deeply into the skin’s sub layers, restoring the skin’s support structure, encouraging the production of collagen and sweeping away damaged tissue. This tissue is replaced with newer, smoother skin, resulting in a noticeable reduction in wrinkles and fine lines.

Improve Pigmentation With PicoSure

Pigmentation is one of the most commonly experienced skin issues in Australia. Caused by several different factors including sun exposure, hormonal changes, genetic factors and more, an uneven skin tone presents itself as a major insecurity for thousands of people around the globe.

However, with the help of PicoSure you can leave your pigmentation in the past and easily achieve a more even complexion. Effective at treating multiple types of pigmentation, including sun spots, freckles, birth marks, freckles and more, the PicoSure laser specifically targets areas of pigmentation and prompts the body to naturally remove the pigmented tissue. The body’s internal skin renewal processes are sped up to produce brighter, more even toned skin.

 Revitalise Skin With Medlite

Considered the “gold standard” of aesthetic laser technology, Medlite is perfect for those who wish to revitalise their skin for a rejuvenated, rested appearance. This versatile laser treats a variety of frequently experienced skin concerns including, acne scars, wrinkles, melasma and other textural imperfections for a glowing revitalised appearance.

The perfect complement to your skincare routine, Medlite assists with maintaining a smooth skin surface, free from imperfections. Completely non-invasive, this treatment is perfect for those with a busy schedule who wish to see a noticeable difference in their skin in a short amount of time. 

Instead of wasting time worrying about skin imperfections in 2018, try Cynosure’s revolutionary skincare treatments and be more comfortable in your skin this New Year. 

To learn more about how your skin can benefit from our portfolio of innovative laser technologies, make sure you are following us on Instagram.

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